Types of Disorders

Aphasia – loss of language generally resulting from stroke, brain tumor, and/or head injury.

Augmentative Communication – equipment to foster communication for non-verbal communicators.

Articulation – disordered pronunciation.

Cerebral Palsy – congenital neuromuscular disorder.

Cleft Palate – congenital malformation of lip and/or palate.

Dysarthrias and Apraxias – motor speech disorders secondary to brain damage.

Dysphagia – disorders of swallowing.

Hearing Impairment – delayed or disordered speech, voice or language secondary to poor hearing acuity.

Language Delay/Disorder – slowed or inadequate language development.

Laryngectomy – removal of larynx due to cancer.

Non-verbal – persons who are unable to communicate through speech/voice.

Stuttering – disturbance in rhythm of speech usually recognized in sound, syllable, word repetitions, prolongations, and/or blocks.

Voice Disorders – vocal cord nodules, polyps, ulcers, vocal abuse, muscle tension dysphonia, paradoxical vocal cord movement, etc.